
Cerchio di Donne e l'importanza della Ciclicità Femminile

Women's Circle and the Importance of Female Cyc...

The Women's Circle is a sacred space where women gather to share their experiences, emotions, needs, desires, dreams and hopes, in a climate of welcome, listening, respect and non-judgment. It...

Women's Circle and the Importance of Female Cyc...

The Women's Circle is a sacred space where women gather to share their experiences, emotions, needs, desires, dreams and hopes, in a climate of welcome, listening, respect and non-judgment. It...

Slip mestruali mutande assorbenti

How did the idea come about?

Hello and thanks for being here today. My name is Shanti and I am the founder and owner of EcoMoonLab, an artisanal brand specializing in eco-menstruation products. In this presentation...

How did the idea come about?

Hello and thanks for being here today. My name is Shanti and I am the founder and owner of EcoMoonLab, an artisanal brand specializing in eco-menstruation products. In this presentation...

Perché si prova vergogna a parlare di mestruazioni?

Why do we feel ashamed to talk about menstruation?

Menstruation is a natural and physiological phenomenon that affects most women of childbearing age. Menstruation is also an indicator of women's health, fertility and well-being . However, menstruation is often...

Why do we feel ashamed to talk about menstruation?

Menstruation is a natural and physiological phenomenon that affects most women of childbearing age. Menstruation is also an indicator of women's health, fertility and well-being . However, menstruation is often...

Ha senso sostenere l’artigianato oggi?

Does it make sense to support craftsmanship today?

Are we losing Made in Italy or is a different approach to manual work slowly being reborn?

Does it make sense to support craftsmanship today?

Are we losing Made in Italy or is a different approach to manual work slowly being reborn?

Il Cuscino Termico per i dolori mestruali

The Thermal Cushion for Menstrual Pain

In our blog you will find all the information on how to use, wash and store the heating pad, as well as many tips and curiosities about natural remedies for...

The Thermal Cushion for Menstrual Pain

In our blog you will find all the information on how to use, wash and store the heating pad, as well as many tips and curiosities about natural remedies for...